Introducing the all new “Titan Times”

    Welcome Titans to the all-new Temescal Canyon HS Online Newspaper/Blog, brought to you by your 2015-2016 TC Journalism Club. Here you can find the latest news on current events, sports, student life, and other writings we hope to deliver to you in the coming publications planned to be released every other week..

     “Giving students a voice.”

We stand by this motto and it is our belief that as students, teenagers, and young adults moving into a new generation of challenges, we must be heard. Whether this is accomplished through sending in new ideas, writing articles yourself, or the mere act of having a conversation at lunch about some of the issues and topics discussed in The Titan Times, we want to give students a voice.

     As we progress into the second semester of the school year, we aim to take stances on events happening in the present as well as reflecting on those in the past and also taking a look into the not-so-distant future. In doing so, we do not mean to offend any audiences, but rather to allow readers to question these events for themselves and become aware of the world in which we live in.

    On the other end of the spectrum, readers will find interesting and entertaining works such as review articles, entertainment columns, and maybe themselves in future student-spotlight writings.

    Of course, this newspaper would not be possible without the help of a dedicated group of writers, publishers, editors, and advisor (s/o to Mrs. Lofquist) working hard to ensure both entertaining and informational pieces. With that being said, we welcome you to the Titan Times Online Newspaper! (or Blog is you would like to call it that)

Please bear with us as we learn to update the website ourselves.